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Poem in response to Good Health and Well-being
March 2018
By Kelsey Cashman
CC Image Curtesy of Phil Whitehouse

I walk down the hall

Eyes and whispers follow

I’ve heard them so often

That all the taunts fall hollow


Fatty. Piggy. Thunder thighs.

Great originality.

None of you bother to look inside,

To try to find the real me.


Everywhere I see food,

At every class, and lunch.

How am I supposed to be thin

When all you give me is junk?


School lunches and vending machines-

All the bad food is cheap.

Want me to buy a salad?

Why would I pay when chips are free?


Or at club meeting?

Junk food galore,

Doughnuts and cookies-

Who’d pay for more?


So yeah I’m scared of diabetes,

And I can’t stand all the taunts.

But if we think about this for a little bit,

Is it really all my fault?

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